Reading wish list

The Price of Fame-by Rowena Cory Daniells

The Laundry Files-by Charles Stross

The Intertwined Series-by Gina Showalter

Orlando Furioso-by Ludvico Ariosto

Bloodshot by Cherie Priest and it's sequel

Fort Freak -George R.R. Martin

Lux the Poet-by Martin Miller

How to live Safely in a science Fictional Universe byCharles Yu

Stories with strong and interesting female characters as mentioned by Pamela Sargent in
"Firebrands-Heroines of Science Fiction and Fantasy"

Lorelei of the Red Mist by Leigh Brackett and Russ Bradman
Take back plenty by Colin Greenland
Dreamsnake by Vonda McIntyre
The Forever War by Joe Halderan
Forerunner by Andre Norton
The Gate of Ivrel (first in a trilogy or all three as The book of Morgaine) by CJCherryh
Titan by John Vorley
Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling
Devine Endurance by Gwyneth Jones
A Door to the Ocean by John Slonczewski

any book by Pat Cadigan
or Pamela Sargent

The sequals to Quantum Moon by Denise Vitola-and maybe some of her other books

The Hollows Insider: New fiction, facts, maps, murders, and more in the world of Rachel Morgan


Eternal,  Blessed and Tantalize: Kieran's Story, by Cynthia Leitich Smith

A Mind of it's own by Cornelia Fine